Multi-language virtual tour

Panoee’s Multi-language feature lets you easily translate your tour content and lets your virtual tours reach a global audience.. So whether your viewers speak Spanish, French, India or Mandarin, they can experience your virtual masterpiece in their native language. 

Here is 3 steps to make a Multi-language virtual tour easily:

Step 1: Activate Multi-Language Support 

Navigate to the Settings tab and switch the toggle to activate the Multi-language feature.

Multi-language virtual tour
Enable the Multi-language feature

Step 2: Compile Your Language List 

Head over to the CMS tab, select the List Language section, and compile a list of languages you wish to include in your virtual tour.

Multi-language virtual tour
List language
Multi-language virtual tour
Enter the name of each language as you want it displayed.
Multi-language virtual tour
Select the corresponding country from the dropdown menu.

Upload the flag icon for each language to help users identify them easily.

Step 3: Localize Your Content 

Review your tour and look out for the green symbol—this indicates that the content can be localized to multiple languages. 

Multi-language virtual tour
Spot the green symbol? That’s your cue to translate the content!

Simply click on the symbol to start translating the content for your audience.

Multi-language virtual tour
Real-time content update

Need to manage a large number of translations? The Translation list can help you keep track of them all.

Multi-language virtual tour
Lots of translations? The Translation list has you covered!